The best thing that ever hapened to this country was the Black Death in 1348
Why ?, because with between one-third and one-half of the population dead, the ruling elite had no peasants to toil in their fields, being chained to your village Lord by Feudal Laws with the threat of death should you leave, hanging over you was suddenly removed.
The market operated, despite the Monarchy bringing in Laws in 1351 to ensure that the going rate for peasant sweat before the Black Death was maintained, peasants just moved to those farms or towns that paid higher wages. Simples
The Party of the people, has now engineered a situation, where we are now to work for a further five years for men, ten years for women, and be taxed at a far higher rate to pay for the Blair/Brown years. With a bit of luck for the Government Acturies if they get their figures right, we will all drop dead the day we retire and save a fortune, so that they can spend it on their Jacuzzis, second/third homes, porn, mistresses etc.
Today, for the princely sum of £33, the neo-peasants of Manchester can pop along to Boots and forge a new churls yoke to put round their necks in the form of an ID card- Why would anybody without a slave mentality want to do that ?
Thirty years later, peasants were demanding their freedom in the Peasants Revolt, from punitive taxation, the Poll Tax (Thatcher was no historian was she !)
"When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the Labour MP?" to paraphrase John Ball, the Lollard preacher
Men were men in those days, seizing scythes and billhooks, not signing on without a whimper.
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