There is a general national mood for reform of the way we are governed at present, I never thought it would be a global recession coupled with the expenses row that would bring it about.
However there are two types of Reform being proposed at present, one is that of the three main parties tinkering around the edges, setting up scrutiny committees dah de dah de dah- and the other one from frustrated members of the public who want this ‘Rotten Parliament ‘ cleared out now, not next month, not next year but now with a General Election.
Both presuppose that the ‘system’ will plod on much the same as before with a few bolt ons, a ‘recall’ system which I think is a given now that it has support from just about everybody, and fixed term Parliaments which is also gaining strong support. I think Cleggy has got it right, no summer hols until you sort this out, and involve the people in a Referendum on the Constitution- NO MORE TOP DOWN EVER- I am firmly in the STV/AV+ camp and have been for thirty years, I am not terrified of everybody having a say in how the country is run, and would have the Swiss Cantonal system here tomorrow morning. Switzerland and Germany run effectively with devolved power, and we desperately need a written Constitution with checks and balances in favour of individual Liberty against the State, not one that presupposes vice versa as Straw would have.
All of this chat is very well, but the one major reform above all else is the way we finance Government.
What should we pay to central Government for-
The Libertarian view is only two- Defence and Foreign Relations. Number of MP’s needed 100 tops
Everything else can be delegated to the County level, including tax raising powers.
( You will not get somebody risking robbing you blind if they are standing next to you in Tesco’s checkout, and no need for second homes and 800 inch TV’s)
How do you raise Revenue-?
The system that currently operates where the State deprives you of your money before you get it (PAYE) has to end, if you had to write out a large cheque every year you would think about what it was being spent on and would be interested in politics, rather than feeling you had been mugged and could do nothing about it.
The system where companies large and small are under the obligation to act as unpaid Tax collectors has to end, along with it the threats to companies from the hirelings of HMRC. Companies are set up to make profits for the shareholders, NOT to be an extension of the State. End deductions at source for Court fines, the Child Support Agency, this is nothing but a burden on industry, if the State is going to impose these sanctions let the State collect the money. The insidious use of private enterprise to do the States bidding must end, ie Tesco’s and ID cards.
Lastly not one, not one organisation should be in receipt of a penny of the public purse unless the Board are elected. This goes for the Police, including the Chief Constable, every Quango, Private enterprise like ACPO and the fake charities.
Deprive the State of Money, it will wither and die, the corruption happens because it can, because they are taking our money without consent and under the threat of violence or loss of Liberty.
You can only change your Constitution through the destruction of your Society caused by War, or in times of Economic Stress/Crisis. This moment in peacetime will not come for decades, we should not waste this time.
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