"These are momentous times because we are being lashed by an economic hurricane (
That I caused by letting the economy rip, split what regulation there was three ways) that is not only global in size and scope, but it is being felt on every high street and in every living room in Britain and people rightly look to us for answers.
(Er no they don't they want you to go) And their questions rightly force us to ask what kind of country we are, what kind of country we want to fight for and we have a choice.
( A Police State) Whether we say to people let the recession take its course as, others might, or whether you make the choice that when banks fail and markets falter, the government must step in to provide help for those who need it."
( not seen a lot of help going anywhere but ploughing our money into the Mega banks )"And we have a choice, whether to say to people as was said in previous downturns, at times of great job loss, unemployment is a price worth paying, or to make the choice that we need the boldest action now to address unemployment and our duty is to everyone who is looking for a job and we must not let them down. And we have a choice, whether to say to people you’re on your own, or to say to people that the role of government in difficult times is to be on your side. Whether you let markets master, or whether we make the choice that insists that markets serve the public."
( Bit like I have abolished Boom and Bust then, you cannot buck the market Gordon)"....And somehow along the road the financial world lost sight of the fact that those values, so hard-wired into how we make decisions elsewhere, should inform, our economic life too. Some came to believe that we should sacrifice being fair to the altar of laissez-faire. Some acted as if free markets could be value-free markets. But what has become clear is you can’t deregulate or nudge your way to better behaviour. You need fair rules, rules that reward those who play by them and punish those who don’t."
( No we got sacrificed on the Alter of an Incompetent Labour Government, who lead us into an illegal war to boot)"And if we thought in the past it was beyond our power or our ability to shape these global markets, it’s now urgent that we do so.
(saving the world again eh) What we thought was difficult or impossible to be supervised we now have to supervise because a world without rules is a world without values and the world of the race to the bottom is a world where nobody wants to be. So it’s time to set new rules for the banks of all countries.
( You are the unelected PM of Britain, you can only screw the UK banks up) And let us be clear that some of the practices now being discovered in our banks are not only unacceptable, they are indefensible and they have got to be cleaned up now."
(who was Chancellor?)
Its time to go now Gordon