General Election Turnout
1992 77.7%
1997 71.4%
2001 59.4%
2005 61.4%Source
UKPolitical InfoPercentage share of the Total Electorate that voted Labour in 2005
Railings & Thrasher Labour Party 35.3% of the Vote 356 seats 55% of total seatsConservative 32.3% of the Vote 198 seats 31% of total seatsLib Dems 22.0% of the Vote 62 seats 9% of total seatsOther 8.0% of the Vote 30seats 5% of total seatsNearly 40% of our fellow citizens are not likely to vote in 2010 because of apathy,ignorance or they are disenfranchised.
If you live in a 'safe' seat and your vote is largely an irrelevance.
These depressing statistics show that we cannot pretend to be a democratic nation, we are an oligarchy. Yesterday
Clegg came to Bristol. Big Poster on a truck, swarm of journalists, not one voter! He said with a straight face that he expected to be in No 10 to an open mouthed BBC reporter.
He is lying to himself, to the camera and to the voters
and he should hang his head in shame. He knows he will never march into Whitehall under FTP because it is rigged in favour of the big two.
Clegg does not understand the zeitgeist and is weaker for it. He has already flunked his historic destiny for himself and his party.
Stop pretending that the Lib
Dems are anything other than 'kingmakers' and set out your stall for proportional representation and an end to this squalid excuse of a gerrymandered 'Representative Democracy', these opportunities only come along once every forty years.
Ashdown was conned by Blair, and
Clegg has clearly learned nothing from the
All three parties are quibbling over Tax, the real issue is Constitutional Reform, I have never seen such depression in the public and the minor parties, knowing that no matter how hard they try and how much money is spent it will make very little difference to the Political Elite. The Rotten Parliament is about to be replaced by the squalid Parliament, full of party placemen, and with precious little mandate and legitimacy from the Electorate.